Still setting up your classroom? How about making it the "coolest" classroom in the building? Here's a reading nook that's really "chill".

I'm not sure how I would do this...consider these options.... set it  up completely before school starts  or  set it up partially before school starts. I think I might choose to set it up partially and leave it that way so that the students will see the incomplete construction when they arrive at school. l would love to see their initial reactions! To initiate discussion and critical thinking, I wouldn't tell them what it is. (I guess you could say this is a pretty good "ice-breaker" too) Instead turn the student's questions around and ask THEM "What do you think it is?" "Why do you think it's here?" "What can it be used for?" "What will we do with it?" Eventually explain what it is and then brainstorm on how to complete it. I think this would be a good community project and something the students will "own", share, and take responsibility for.

 Get the complete directions and video about how to do this here:

Also works great for a unit about winter, snow, Alaska, etc. 

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