Have you seen the beautiful coloring books with the intricate pictures to color? Do you know that when one colors these pictures, that a sense of calm and peace takes place? I have colored in this way and I did feel secure, comfortable, creative, and re-energized by the activity. Most of the "coloring books" of this type are meant to be used by adults. Wouldn't it be nice to have something like this for children? They too need activities which help them become more centered, content, and peaceful. I've created a product with 11 images (pictures) similar to the ones found in the "adult coloring books", but they aren't as busy or complicated. Here's a sample that you can have...a nice activity that both adults and children can enjoy together. If you would like to see the other designs that are included in the product, go to https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Hearts-A-Flutter-Valentine-Cards-Coloring-for-Calm-2381123


The pictures are rated 1(easy), 2 (moderate), and 3 (challenge). The picture I am posting here is a 2. Happy coloring! (you can also use as a valentine card)


  1. I have always loved coloring and the "new" adult coloring is my favorite!

  2. I love adult coloring! I have a few iphone apps that I do it on when I'm busy :)

  3. @calista:The beauty of this product is that it's meant for BOTH adults and children. Each picture has a rating for the skill level needed to color in the picture. Some are easy enough for children, others are more appropriate for adults. The fun part is that parents and their children can enjoy this activity together.

  4. @Daphne:These are good for children to do as well. Click on the link to get a better idea of what these are like. You could see more if you go to "preview" in the link. The pictures are rated by skill level....some are easy enough for kids and others may be more challenging. Color with your kids. It's the best!

  5. I LOVE my adult coloring books and I teach kindergarten so this would be a great product for in the classroom

  6. @Kim:Thanks for your comment....yes, both you and your students can enjoy these!

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