It’s Mom’s day and she’s the “star of the show”. Interview her like a celebrity with these “Would you rather” questions. Maybe you could make a couple of her “preferences” a reality on Mother’s Day.

Circle your mom’s choice in each question. Put the date on each page.

Notice what preferences mom chooses. Can you fulfill any of them? Certainly not getting her rubies or emeralds….but it might be possible for you to get her a cup of tea or coffee,

give her flowers or draw a picture of the type of flowers she prefers, take her to the movies or rent a movie at home, do her fingernails or hair, color or paint with her, get her a paperback book (or E-book) and read with her.


Here you go!

These questions are only a small sampling of the 29 questions that come with the complete project. The questions can be made into a Mother's Day card as well. See more of this at

To treat Mom to a culinary experience that kids can make, check this out:


  1. This is a great interview

  2. @Planet Doiron :I appreciate your comment.

  3. We don't celebrate holidays, but as a mom to four I love, love, love this idea! It's such a great suggestion to help kids get to know Mom better!

  4. Great idea for a Mother's Day project!!

  5. @Susan Lee:Thank you!

  6. Fantastic idea for Mother's Day!

  7. @Kit Tumbaga: Thanks for your comment.

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